Sunday, October 4, 2015

Life Tip #1 - School

I’m a highschooler so don’t think that I’m a parent/teacher trying to trick you into doing your schoolwork. I’m here as a fellow peer struggling with this thing we call SCHOOL! 

Everybody has struggled with school at one point and time, whether it was with losing important papers or getting stressed out on test days. Not having enough energy for the day or having a hard time with homework.

I have some tips I want to give you and hacks for surviving school.

The first few tips are going to be for TEST DAYS! One of my least favorite days during school were test days, especially when it was exams. *shudders* I have a few tips that should help with the stress of test days.

So the first tip I have is about COMFORT. Comfort is one of the most amazing things ever, who agrees? *everyone cheers* Thought so! 

Well my tips are:

1)  Wear something comfortable, wear sweats, a t-shirt, and sneakers. (Unless your school has uniforms)
2)  Tight hairstyles cause pulling to your scalp which stresses your head and can distract you. So I suggest leaving your hair down and pinning the sides (or bangs) back so your hair isn't in the way. You can do this simply with bobby pins or a clip. To add a little cuteness or classiness to it, add a bow!
3)  You normally hear about test at the begging of the week or a few days before. If you're like me and most of my friends you procrastinate on studying. I suggest studying as soon as you hear about it. Study for an hour or two every night until the test. This will help relieve your stress level on test day!

The next tips are for orginization! Organizing you lockers and binders is so helpful when it comes to school. So a few tips I have are:

1)  Have a different color for every subject! An example would be that I have a green binder and green folder for science. This helps me know where to look for homework/study guides/any paper for a certain subject.
2)  In your locker, have your textbooks with you binder for that class. Also, putting your books in the order of your class schedule works great because you always know where the books are located. 
3)  At the store, you can get a magnetic mirror, pencil holder, etc. A mirror is good to check your hair and make up without having to go to the bathroom. A pencil case is a great idea to hold extra in your locker just in case. Don’t even try to pretend that you don’t lose your pens and pencils by the second month of school, if not before then, we all do.

            So I also have some hacks on how to have a good amount of energy for the day. Before I go into that, I would just like to say that it has been scientifically proven that school starts to early in the morning because teenager’s brains aren’t fully awake and ready to learn until at least 10 a.m. Just so you know! ;)


School Hack #1:  Getting a good night sleep! Common I know but important. Go to sleep around 9 (10 at the latest.). Set multiple alarms in the morning. Set one for 3 hours before school starts (This alarm will have your body waking up but still a little asleep). Set a second alarm 2 hours before school starts but actually get up with this one so you have time to get ready.

School Hack #2:  Eat a good breakfast and NEVER skip! My breakfast is normally a granola bar and yogurt or cereal and a yogurt. This is a very good breakfast because it’s delicious and healthy! (P.S. According to Activia, which is what I eat, eating two yogurts a day helps keep a good metabolism.)

School Hack #3:  Clean Space for Homework! It is very easy to get distracted while doing homework. I find it easier to do homework at a clean desk or area. My desk holds my computer (For when I need to type a report or any assignment online), a writing tool, and all my homework. This keeps me from wanting to do other things.

School Hack #4:  Don’t overwork! Take a break every time you finish an assignment. I normally take a 5-10 minute break because I don’t want to get busy with something else and forget about my homework. (Another tip for this is, set an alarm for however long you want your break. It’s good to have in case you forget to go back.)

            So that’s all the tips I have for this post but if you have a question or want a tip about something feel free to email me. (You can find my information on the ‘Contact Me’ page of this blog.)

            I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it! Man, how I wish someone had given me these tips and hacks for school a long time ago.

I have two ideas for the next post but I don’t know which one I’m going to do yet. Guess you’ll have to come back and read it to find out! ;P

My goal is to post every Sunday! Advertise on Instagram, if you do then tag me with ‘@e_platypus’. I might even like the picture! :D

Hugs, Kisses, Bacon!

Emily <3

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