Sunday, October 18, 2015

Life Tip #3 - Costume Tips/Ideas

So, I know Halloween is coming up and I thought why not give some last minute costumes that you could use. Even though I don't celebrate Halloween, I still have times when I need a costume! Like, for instance, my youth group has had a lock-in every year for the past 3 years. Here are my costumes from the past 3 years. 

The first year (2013) I went as Joanie from Happy Days. (AMAZING SHOW!)
    What you'll need: Women's Button-Up Short Sleeve Shirt (I got mine from Walmart.)
                               Jean Capri (Already Owned)
                               White School Socks
                               White Sneakers (Payless Shoe Store)
                               Bandana (Walmart)

This costume was super cute and easy! Another cool thing about this costume is that you can make it into a couples costume. If you've ever seen Happy Days, you know that Joanie marries Chachi at the end of the series. A Chachi costume would be super easy. 
    Here is what you'll need: Red T-shirt
                                         Jean Jacket
                                         Red Bandana (Tie around upper right thigh)
                                         Sneakers (Preferably older looking ones)

I absolutely LOVE these two costumes and think they would be perfect for a couple's costume.

This is Joanie and Chachi. I couldn't find the picture that I got my costume idea from but it would still work for Joanie.

(Fun Fact: Did you know that they made a follow up show after Happy Days called 'Joanie Loves Chachi'?)

The next year (2014) at the Lock-In, I went as something from my favorite TV Show. Doctor Who!

Technically it was a dress that I used as a costume but I got it from Hot Topic. It was the T.A.R.D.I.S. dress and it was AMAZING! I loved getting to explain to everyone why I was dressed as a police box and what Doctor Who was (Minus the fellow geeks I ran into). This is probably my favorite costume I've ever done.
    So what you'll need for this costume is: T.A.R.D.I.S. Dress (Hot Topic)
                                                               Blue Knee High Socks (Walmart)
                                                               Black Combat Boots (Already Owned)
                                                               T.A.R.D.I.S. Headband (Hot Topic)

Sadly, at the time I wore this costume the headband was unavailable. The costume still works without it but I personally think it would have been better with the headband.

This could also be a collab costume with someone as a companion, monster, or the Doctor.

I had 3 friends show up as the Doctor and one friend dressed as a cyberman. We had two 11th Doctors and one 4th Doctor. Sadly, we didn't have anybody dressed up as a companion.

(Fun Fact: My friend, Jesse dressed as the 4th Doctor, built a robotic K-9 for part of his costume and carried around a bag of Jelly Babies.)

This years (2015) costumes was a super simple DIY. It's pretty much a Jersey T-Shirt.
    All you'll need is: V-neck T-Shirt (Old Navy)
                         Some Letter Stencils (Already Owned)
                         Some fabric paint (Walmart)
                         A paint brush (Already Owned)
                         Fabric (The same color as the paint) 
                         Fabric Glue

First, you want to place the letters on the back of the shirt to spell out whatever you want. Mine said "Lil Emmy" as a joke between me and a few friends.

After you place all the letters, you're now going to trace all of the edges of the letters.

Next, take your fabric paint and trace over your pen/pencil marks. Then, paint the insides of the letters using the brush.

While waiting for that to dry, take a piece of paper and make a pattern in a front pocket like shape. Trace that on the piece of fabric, cut about a half an inch extra on each side. Fold the edges over and glue them down. I added a little bow on my pocket to make it a little more girly.

When the shirt is dry, flip it over and glue the pocket down, mine was glued fully down but if you want it to work like a pocket then just glue the sides down.

When the shirt is complete, you can pair it with shorts, a skirt, or jeans. I wore jeans, so I paired it with Converse sneakers. 

I put my hair in pigtails and used little make up to pull off the whole "little girl" look.

Here is what it looked like: 

(Fun Fact: I had a mini cold for this Lock-in and didn't get to ride the Go Karts at Celebration Station. A lot of my friends also couldn't ride because of wearing long dresses.)

Now that was a few costume ideas but how about some tips for different costumes and on Halloween.

1) If you make your own costume, I suggest making it out of warm clothing. If you have a bought costume, bring a jacket or hoodie.

2) Have comfortable shoes with you in case your feet start to hurt while you're in costume.

3) Don't go alone! Make sure to have someone with you at all times. Be SAFE!

4) Stay in a neighborhood you're familiar with. This way you have a less chance of getting lost.

5) If making a costume, I suggest making it a month before at the most and a week before at the least.

So that's all the tips I have for this post. I hope y'all have fun with the costume ideas and tips. If you do make one of the costumes, email me a picture, send a pic via Instagram, or tag me in a photo of it.

I hope that you enjoyed this post and decide to come back for more!

If you have a question or want a tip about something, feel free to email me. (You can find my email on the 'Contact Me' page of this blog.)

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That's all until next Sunday. Comment below or let me know on Instagram what YOU want tips on in the future so I can start coming up with tips.

Hugs, Kisses, Bacon!
Emily <3

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