Contact Me

Hey y'all!

I would LOVE to answer any questions you have for me. If you have a question for me, you can email me at (

In the email can you please include:
1. Name (First only and tell me if you want to be Anonymous on the blog)
2. Age
3. Your Question

I will be putting a question and answer up every so often. Yours just might be put on the blog!

You can follow me on Instagram: @e_platypus (This account is not my personal account due to professional reasons. However, I will still get on it everyday!)

At this moment and time, I do NOT have a Twitter for the blog and I do NOT know if I will ever have a Twitter for this blog.

If you have a  suggestion for a post, feel free to email me about it.

Thank y'all so much for the support and for reading my blog! I hope you enjoy!

Emily <3

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